
An unusual phenomenon took place in front of Wells cathedral Sunday 23rd June: the building and walking of a labyrinth. This was led by master sacred geometrist Tom Bree (the writer of the remarkable book Cosmos in Stone, about the sacred geometry of Wells Cathedral). If you are not familiar with labyrinths, they have an ancient history in many cultures and offer the opportunity to walk a geometric path (in this case built with lights) which aids reflection, contemplation or prayer. The route takes you through four quadrants to the centre and then out again - there is only one way, you cannot get lost. For some it is simply a fun thing to do, for some an opportunity to seek help or guidance, for some a time of prayer as you face the twists and turns of life. It has been known for some to walk a labyrinth as part of a psychedelic or mystical experience - but perhaps not here in Wells!?

I have taken some creative liberty with some of the images, using intentional camera movement to add some dynamism.


If you like bees…


29th May Front Garden Macro